Duo Security Support
IdExchange supports the issuance and management of the Duo Security MFA credential for organizations desiring MFA security for critical applicationns and platforms.
- Provisioning to Duo Security after identity proofing
- Device verification via MDM
- Self service wizard for Duo device registration
- Separation of duties and logging for Duo provisioning
- Automatic Duo de-processioning on employment status separation
CyberArmed IdExchange
Duo Security Subscription https://duo.com/
InTune Mobile Device Management System
PIV Credential
Duo Remote Registration
Performing Remote Identity Verification and Duo Credential Delivery
An user that is remote and cannot visit the corporate security office can be remotely verified. This is useful for when the user requires high assurance Duo credentials, needs emergency access but cannot access their PC, or general mobile authentication.
Mobile device (iPhone,Droid). The camera will be used to capture data.
Duo Mobile App
Applicant applies for Duo Credential
Applicant receives and installs a temporary credential
Applicant takes photo, scans documents, and registers for Duo Security
Authorized official will validate identity data
Authorized official will approve Duo Security Credential
Applicant download Duo credential
Duo credential is automatically initialized